
Disclosure of Events or Information

1. Ms. Neha Gupta has been appointed as Additional Director (Non-Executive Independent Director) on the Board of Company w.e.f. August 11, 2014.

2. Ms. Neha Gupta, Independent Director of the Company has resigned from the Board of the Company due to her other preoccupations and her resignation has been taken on record by the Board in its meeting dated November 14, 2014.

3. Ms. Neera Bhargava has been appointed as Additional Director (Non-Executive Independent Director) on the Board of Company w.e.f. February 13, 2015.

4. The Company has added in its existing line of trading business, the products of Palmer’s, which is an established Skin Care Brand of USA.

5. The Company has appointed as the importer and the distributor of the Farlin’s products, which is an established Baby Care Brand of Taiwan, Rep. of China for the distribution of the same in the Southern & Western Region of India.

6. M/s. Suresh Kumar Mittal & Co., Chartered Accountants (FRN: 500063N) has resigned from the post of Internal Auditors of the Company vide their letter dated 27.07.2017.

7. Appointment of M/s. Suresh Kumar Mittal & Co., Chartered Accountants (FRN: 500063N) as Statutory Auditors of the Company, in place of retiring auditors M/s. B.K Shroff & Co., Chartered Accountants (FRN: 302166E), to hold office for a term of 5 (Five) consecutive years from the conclusion of 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM) until the conclusion of 33rd AGM.

8. M/s. B.K Shroff & Co., Chartered Accountants (FRN: 302166E) has been appointed as the Internal Auditors of the Company w.e.f November 14, 2017.

9. The Company has appointed as the distributor of Nuby’s products of NUBY ASIA PACIFIC LIMITED, which is an established Baby Care Brand of USA for distribution of all its infant care products in India.

10. We deeply grieved to inform that Shri Sudarshan Lal Baluja, Non- Executive Independent Director of the Company has departed for his heavenly abode on Sunday, 25th March, 2018. Accordingly, Shri Sudarshan Lal Baluja has ceased to be director on the Board of Directors of the Company.

11. Our Company has discontinued its distributorship of Farlin products consisting of Mother & Baby Care products of Company’s name Farlin Industrial Co. Ltd., Taiwan for Southern & Western Region of India w.e.f 31/03/2018.

12. Pigeon India Private Limited, Principal Supplier of Mother and Baby Care (MBC) products, has withdrawn its distributorship only from the Eastern Region of India from the Company. Accordingly to reduce the administrative & inventory cost, the Company has decided to close the branch office of Kolkata situated at 1/286, Gariahat Road, Jodhpur Park, Ward No. 93, within P.S. Lake, Kolkata-700068 w.e.f 31st July, 2019. However, the Company will continue to sell/ dispatch all its others brands products directly from the Delhi/ Bhiwandi office to Eastern Region including North East Region of India.

13. our Company has entered into a Terms of Trade/MOU with “Rhea Retail Private Limited” (RRPL) for distribution of its Home and Travels products except diapers for their brand of Mothercare for North India & East India including North East Region.

14. Our Company has added brands of Unilever Asia Private Limited for sale and distribution of its products in PAN India through selective channels. Initially, our Company will start trading of its products named as Dove Baby. Our Company has also added the “Trisa” Brand of Switzerland based Co., Trisa AG for distribution of its oral care & personal care products in India. Further, informed that the Company had discontinued the trading of one of our product named as “Rostaa”.

15. Our Company has been appointed as a distributor for North India by M/s. Royal Dry Fruits Pvt. Ltd. for its finest quality of products under the brand “Rostaa” for its range of dry fruits, nuts and berries, etc. Further, informed that the Company had discontinued the trading of one of our product, i.e, Palmers’, a skin care products.

16. In view of the outbreak of COVID-19, the operations of the Company have been disrupted and its head office & branch office had been locked down as per directives applicable to them. The Company has also already adopted Work from Home for its office employees to minimize the risk and spread of COVID-19. The Company is closely monitoring the situation and will take all necessary measures as directed by the Central & State Government from time to time. The Operations of the Company will be restored once the Government relaxes the norms.

17. Our Company in its existing line of distributorship has added the personal care products of Unilever Brand “SUAVE” for kids which includes shampoo & conditioner and body wash.

18. Appointment of Mr. Udit Jain (DIN: 08034841) as an Additional Director w.e.f 01st July, 2021.

19. Our Company in its existing line of trading has got the distributorship for PAN India from a Company named, M/s. Campbell Cheong Chan (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for all its range of sauces & other related product under the brand of “KIMBALL”.

20. Our Company has been appointed as a distributor by M/s. Rajguru’s Delight Nuts Foods Private Limited for its finest quality of products under the brand “Delight Nuts™” for its range of Dry Fruits, Mouth Fresheners (Mukhwas), Choco/ Peanut Butter and other related foodstuff in the Northern Zone, State of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

21. Our Company has plan to expand its business by entering into the manufacturing of food products under the scheme for Creation/ Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC) of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojna (PMKSY) as per modified operational guidelines notified by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India (MOFPI).

22. Our Company in its existing line of importer and distributor has added the oral care range of Unilever Brand ‘Pepsodent Kids’ (International Brand).

23. Subject to approval of shareholders in the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and on the recommendation of the Audit Committee the Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on 18th May, 2022 approved the re-appointment of M/s. Suresh Kumar Mittal & Co. (FRN: 500063N), Chartered Accountants as the Statutory Auditors of the Company for a second and final term of 5 years from the conclusion of the 33rd AGM to be held in the year 2022 (for audit w.e.f Financial Year 2022-2023) till the conclusion of the 38th AGM.

24. Appointment of Mr. Vimal Mehta (DIN: 00206202) as an Additional Director (in the capacity of Non-Executive & Independent Director) on the Board of the Company w.e.f 10th August, 2022 to hold office till the conclusion of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company and further recommended for an appointment as an Independent Director for approval of the members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company to hold office for a term upto 5 consecutive years from the date of ensuing Annual General Meeting. For other details, pls. refer BSE website Link:

25. Our Company has submitted its application for Expression of Interest (EoI) of CEFPPC under scheme of MoFPI. The proposed unit of manufacturing of Wafer Sticks at Himalayan Mega Food Park, Uttrakhand with an installed capacity of around 900 MT per annum with a project cost of approximately Rs. 15 Cr. The project will start construction & other allied work only post approval of the grant under SAMPADA-CEFPPC Scheme by the MoFPI and other statutory approvals. The Company has expected to commence the proposed unit by 01st April, 2024. For other details, pls. refer BSE website Link:

26. Our Company in its existing line of importer and distributor has added the noodles under the brand named of Jackpot of Kwality Noodles Industries Pvt. Ltd., Nepal for its distribution in Pan India

27. Our Company had discontinued the trading of one of our brand named as “Mothercare”. However, we shall continue to sell the stock in hand of Mothercare with us.

28. Our Company has received an approval from the Ministry vide its Letter No. F. No. CE-11016/35/2022-CEFPPC dated 05.12.2022 for grant-in-aid of Rs. 475.19 Lacs out of the total project cost of Rs. 1549.42 Lacs for setting up of a new unit for manufacturing of wafer sticks at Himalayan Mega Food Park, Uttrakhand and the said approval is subject to the conditions as mentioned in letter. The project will get implement as per the provisions of guidelines of scheme for CEFPPC dated 08.06.2022

29. Subject to the approval of shareholders in the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting and the approval of regulatory/ statutory authorities, the Board of Directors in its Meeting held on 30.01.2023 approved the Issuance of 4,00,000 (Four Lakhs) warrants each convertible into, or exchangeable for, 1 (one) fully paid-up equity share of the Company of face value of Rs. 10/- each to proposed allottee(s) (in promoter’s category) on a preferential basis (“Preferential Issue”) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 (“ICDR Regulations”), as amended and other applicable laws.

30. The Committee for Preferential Issue of the Company, at its meeting held today, allotted 4,00,000 (Four Lacs Only) convertible warrants at a issue price of Rs. 57.10/- on preferential basis to the persons belonging to promoter’s category, after receipt of subscription amount, equivalent to 25% of the issue price.

31. Our Company had discontinued the trading of two of brands named Kimball and Delight Nuts. However, we shall continue to sell the stock in hand with us.

32. The Board of Directors of the Company in its meeting held on May 17, 2023 has appointed M/s. Ashu Gupta & Co., Practicing Company Secretaries (CP. No. 6646; Membership No. F4123) as Secretarial Auditor of the Company for the financial year 2023-2024.

33. The Company had discontinued the trading of one of brand named “Suave Kids”. However We shall continue to sell the stock in hand with us.

34. Pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Part A under Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, a copy of the reminder letter dispatched by the Link Intime India Private Limited, Registrar & Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company on May 31, 2023, to the shareholders holding shares in physical mode, in compliance with the SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023 is enclosed herewith.

35. Appointment of Mr. Amit Kumar Dwivedi as Plant Head, Senior Management Personnel of the Company w.e.f 01st August, 2023 based at Vill. Mahuakhera Ganj, Kashipur.

36. Our Company in its existing line of importer and distributor has added two brands for its distribution in Pan India namely “THAI COCO” Brand of Thai Coconut Public Co. Ltd., Thailand and “FOCO” Brand of Thai Agri Foods Public Company Limited & products manufactured by Viet World Co. Ltd., Vietnam.

37. Intimation of Notice of 34th Annual General Meeting

38. Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 – Allotment of 400,000 Equity Shares pursuant to exercise of warrants allotted on preferential basis

39. Intimation Regarding Receipt Of 1St Installment Of Subsidy (Grant-In-Aid) From Ministry Of Food Processing Industries (Mofpi), Government Of India

40. Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)- Change in Registered Office Address

41. Intimation under Regulation 30 (LODR)- Intimation Of Listing Approval Received From BSE Ltd. On 16.10.2023 For Listing Of 400,000 Equity Shares Of Rs. 10/- Each Issued At A Premium Of Rs. 47.10/- Each, Issued To Promoters On A Preferential Basis Due To Conversion Of 400,000 Warrants.

42. Intimation under Regulation 30 (LODR)- Intimation of Trading approval received from BSE Limited on 30.10.2023 for trading of
4,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each to be issued at a premium of Rs. 47.10/- bearing distinctive numbers from 10026267 to 10426266 issued to Promoters on a preferential basis pursuant to conversion of warrants.

43. Intimation for Commencement of Commercial Production of Food Products (“Wafer Sticks”) under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

44. Intimation of Product Launch under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

45. Intimation under Regulation 30 (LODR)- Intimation regarding receipt of 2nd & Final instalment of subsidy (grant-in-aid) from Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India.

46. Intimation under Regulation 30 (LODR)- Reply to BSE Clarification.

47. Intimation regarding the execution of an agreement with M/s. Kayempee Foods Pvt. Limited under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

48. Intimation regarding the execution of an agreement for Outsourcing/Contract Manufacturing with M/s. Pran Beverages (India) Private Limited under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

49. Intimation regarding Appointment of Secretarial Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2024-2025 under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

50. Intimation regarding re-appointment of Mr. Udit Jain (DIN: 08034841), Whole Time Director (WTD) designated as an Executive Director under Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

51. Intimation to Physical Shareholders to furnish their PAN, KYC details and Nomination under Regulation 30 read with Part A under Schedule III of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

52. Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for Appointment & re-appointment of Directors.

53. Intimation of Notice of 35th Annual General Meeting.